Polypropylene or polycarbonate chairs: which one to choose?

Polypropylene or polycarbonate chairs: which one to choose?

A complete guide to choose the best polypropylene and polycarbonate chairs for every space

Chairs are an essential element in the furnishing of any space, both domestic and professional, and must be chosen with care, according to the type of use and the characteristics of the environment to which they are intended. Among the most used materials for the realization of indoor and outdoor chairs there are polypropylene and polycarbonate. These plastics provide numerous advantages in terms of functionality, design, durability and ease of maintenance, and are able to adapt to different needs and contexts of use.


Polypropylene, a thermoplastic polymer known for its resistance and lightness, allows to obtain practical and versatile furnishing solutions. It is ideal for those looking for durable and easy to maintain chairs, perfect for both home and work environments. Polycarbonate, on the other hand, stands out for its crystal clear transparency and refined aesthetics, which perfectly suits modern and minimalist spaces. Both materials, thanks to their resistance to atmospheric agents, are also suitable for outdoor use, making the chairs in polypropylene and polycarbonate excellent choices for terraces, gardens or outdoor areas of premises. However, polycarbonate chairs are particularly suitable for indoor use.


Let’s see together what are the main features and advantages of these materials and some tips to choose the type of chairs best suited to different environments. 

Polypropylene chairs: features and advantages

Polypropylene chairs represent an optimal solution for those looking for a mix of functionality, resistance and design in the furniture. Polypropylene is in fact particularly appreciated for its lightness and, at the same time, its high impact resistance. Moreover, this material is not affected by atmospheric agents, such as rain and UV rays, and is therefore ideal for the creation of chairs for outdoor use, such as in gardens, terraces or in the dehors of bars or restaurants.


Another distinctive feature of polypropylene is its versatility: it can be easily processed, shaped and colored, allowing to obtain seats characterized by particular shapes and in a wide variety of colors, therefore adaptable to different environments and styles of furniture, both classic and modern. 


From the point of view of comfort, polypropylene plastic chairs are lightweight and easy to handle, so they are easy to move, stack or rearrange in different spaces depending on the needs. In addition, easy cleaning of polypropylene is an additional strength, especially in environments such as bars, restaurants, cafes or children’s play areas, where frequent cleaning and quick and effective maintenance are required.

Polypropylene dining chairs: Grandsoleil proposals

For the production of outdoor and indoor chairs Grandsoleil has always used the best quality polymers and in recent years has introduced two innovative technopolymers, HIGLOPP and HIGHMOPP®, which allow to obtain models with brilliant surfaces, elegant and modern, suitable for different furnishing solutions. Moreover, thanks to the combination of polypropylene with chromed metal, Grandsoleil polypropylene dining chairs are extremely versatile and can be inserted in any context and environment, both domestic and professional. 

Among the most iconic models of chairs there is definitely the Gruvyer chair in glossy polypropylene, which stands out for the original processing of the seat, inspired by the pattern of a spider web. Made of high quality polypropylene, it is durable and ideal for both outdoor and indoor use. In addition, its particular structure ensures maximum stability, ensuring a reliable and comfortable seat. 


Also the Groove chair stands out for its particularly versatile design, easily adaptable to different environments. The shell of the Groove chair is produced in HIGHMOPP®, a very resistant glossy polypropylene, and is available in a wide range of colors, from neutral to more vibrant, to allow you to find the perfect shade for any space. The chair can be further customized by choosing between different types of chromed steel legs: spider, sled or C depending on the context and type of use. 

Features and advantages of polycarbonate chairs

Polycarbonate chairs combine functionality, style and elegance and are ideal for those who want a modern and impactful decor. Polycarbonate is a resistant and compact material, known for its exceptional impact resistance, superior to that of many other plastics. One of the most distinctive features of polycarbonate is its transparency, which allows the chairs to blend harmoniously with the surrounding environment, creating a light and bright visual effect. This aspect makes them particularly suitable for narrow spaces or environments that require furniture that does not visually overload the space, such as small apartments, studios or minimalist offices.


Polycarbonate chairs are suitable not only for domestic use, but also for public and commercial environments such as waiting rooms, restaurants, bars or as seats for events. 


In addition to their practicality, polycarbonate chairs are appreciated for their design. As well as polypropylene, polycarbonate can in fact be easily shaped, allowing the realization of innovative and modern shapes, often difficult to obtain with other materials. This aspect makes them ideal for contemporary environments or for those looking for design pieces that can serve as decorative elements, as well as functional.

Grandsoleil polycarbonate dining chairs: the perfect mix of design and functionality

Thanks to the use of innovative technologies and a high quality plastic material, Grandsoleil offers a line of polycarbonate chairs that combine functionality and style. The chairs of the Up On line are distinguished by their distinctive and contemporary design. Each model has unique characteristics, suitable to meet different aesthetic and functional tastes. From the elegant and minimalist design to the most daring and contemporary, polycarbonate chairs are perfectly suited both to modern domestic contexts, both to professional spaces, such as offices, restaurants, bars or waiting rooms.

Among the transparent polycarbonate chairs of the Up On line we find the Femme Fatale model, which stands out for its clean and sinuous design. The chair, with its soft and enveloping lines, offers exceptional comfort while maintaining a refined aesthetic. It is perfect for those looking for a design piece that is both elegant and practical. The B-Side model has a more geometric and linear design, ideal for modern environments. It is also easy to stack, making it perfect for smaller spaces or events. 


The Hypnotic chair stands out for its geometric texture and ergonomic backrest, which follows the natural shape of the back. The transparency of the material, combined with the particular workmanship of the backrest, allows light to pass through the chair, capturing the gaze and creating a luminous effect in the surrounding environment. 


The most recent additions to the line, the Nilo and Little Rock chairs, combine style, practicality and high resistance thanks to scratch-resistant surfaces. Nilo, with its clean and minimalist lines is the quintessence of modernity, particularly suitable for contemporary spaces. Little Rock stands out for its more aggressive and dynamic design, perfect to add a touch of liveliness and extra character to the environments. 

Choose the option that best suits your needs.   Contact us